Lately iv been playing almost all FW, im a Gallente loyalist so the only side I will not fight for is the Caldari and when im fighting for the Gallente, I go all out with hopes of victory.
well this game was really, really good.
I spawn in the MCC, drop down and make my way to C while the other half of my team goes to D, I pass it up because its already hacked by my team, then I notice that the other side has all of the objectives as well, at 1st the match seemed like all the others (caldari sucks in most fw matches and I thought this one would be the same). Then after 5 minutes of fighting, I notice that there are prototype users on the other team, I thought to myself "hm.. maybe this will be a fun challenge after all", well I was right...
The ENTIRE battle both sides were taking each objective with fire fights at every angle & turn, there wasn't a single objective not being fought over, funny thing is that every time the caldari hacked one of our objectives we would sneak by and hack one of thiers to make sure they didn't get an advantage over us in damage to the MCCs. All through the match this continued, proto vs proto everywhere, the caldari fighters were hacking the CRUs to try and get an advantage over our objectives by sending in wave after wave of clones at us, I was one of the few that put down drop uplinks in strategic places, close enough that's its a very short distance to the objective I put them there to protect yet hidden enough so that the enemy couldnt find them unless they completely took over the area, and it worked. my team kept spawning on my uplinks and we would ambush the caldari fighters when they ere trying to hack the objectives and we would push them out temporarily, on occasion we would get over run and loose the objectives we are trying to defend, BUT we never had 0 objectives, every time they hacked us, we would both sneak by and hack theirs and attempt to clear them out and rehack... that worked through the match. Sadly the Gallente lost the fight due to clone losses.
I finished with 3675 WP with 36 kills, 7 assists, 11 deaths. (I was playing solo and created a squad mid game in an attempt to get a solo orbital.... didn't work

End of Battle ResultsEverywhere you would turn, there would be plasma bolts grenades and explosions everywhere from every direction, it was truly a battle for the ages... Both sides MCC health were about even, but the clone count dropped drastically on both sides... you know theres some tense fighting when that happens.
This everybody, is my ideal FW battle, both sides equal, both sides strategically knowledgeable and both side going all out.
GG Caldari bastards, il see you in the next FW battle, and I expect you to bring your A game again, that was awesome. Especially rafffffff (top scoring player n the caldari side), Munchafyer (2nd place on caldari team) and welder 31 (3rd place on caldari team) and whoever the hell had that proto Gallente dropsuit with that proto scr... you were pretty hard to kill.
(link to the battle results will be up as soon as the upload is complete.)